A Successful Sub-soil Drip Irrigation Implementation in Perak

Project Details:
Place : Gopeng, Perak
Crop : Oil palm
Size : 25 Hectares
Project services :
Fertigation dosing system
Sub-soil dripperlines
Project Summary:
Our client wants to evaluate the feasibility of drip irrigation for oil palms, specifically targeting a lower-yielding sandy soil areas.
To ensure optimal performance, sub-soil drip irrigation was implemented, safeguarding the dripperlines from potential damage caused by grazing cows and farm machinery.

Surface water from a pond was utilized, supported by automatic media filters with an automatic backwash function, guaranteeing hassle-free operation.
For fertigation, the FertiOne dosing system facilitated the precise application of water-soluble fertilizers.
Encouraged by the positive results, the client now plans to expand drip irrigation to other sections of the plantation, further optimizing their oil palm cultivation.